Monday, April 11, 2011

The best way to know your sewing machine better is ...

to take it apart..... This is my brother BM2600, remember that I onced tried to fix it because the bobbin winder isn't working?! That time I didn't manage to open it, but this time I did! Well..., didn't really take it apart just to know how the sewing machine work, but I really got to know better how a sewing machine works after opening it. I was actually trying to fix the tension of my machine. I tried to many ways to fix it including adjust using the tension dial and the bobbin casing, but none work, so the last thing I can try is to take out the tension dial and adjust the internal part. And I think I have fixed it ...... somehow.... after many many tries.... countless....

See the amount of lint near the bobbin case? Yucks! This is the area that I can clean only if I take the casing apart.

And so I spent my whole Sunday afternoon trying to take the machine apart, fix the tension, clean the machine and put it back. And I even change the small blades embedded in the sewing machine.


verykerryberry said...

Great little video showing all the moving parts!

The Sew Convert said...

Wow you are very brave, I dun think I dare to take the machine apart. I have the same sewing machine with a few screws that are too hard to manipulate. *Sigh*

Pauline Perh said...

@The Sew Convert
Well, if I can't open and fix it, I might as well sell it to the garang guni and buy a new one because nowadays the fee charged by the repairman is so high. So why not?! :>