Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New dress for Hanhan

Made a new dress for Hanhan recently. It's been a really long time since I last made clothing for her.
Hanhan has grown much taller now, and has outgrow most of the clothings I made for her, so she has been wearing store bought t-shirts and pants all this while. She is really happy to get her new Mummy-Made dress (with her favourite fabric choice of course!) but she is not really willing to take photos in it.
These are the second set of photos I took, the first set she is all grumpy. Now she enjoys taking photo of others rather than have her photos taken.
I hope she will continue to enjoy wearing the clothings I make for her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG! She is gorgeous! She got so so tall!

Happy 2013 for you and your family!